reading time: 4 min.

TC Delegations Announced for the Informal 5+1 Cyprus Summit

TC Delegations Announced for the Informal 5+1 Cyprus Summit

Under the auspices of United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the informal 5+1 Cyprus meeting will take place in Geneva on March 17-18, bringing together the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot sides along with the three guarantor countries. High-level delegations, including Turkish Cypriot President Ersin Tatar, will participate in the summit.

Publish Date: 13/03/25 14:12
reading time: 4 min.
TC Delegations Announced for the Informal 5+1 Cyprus Summit
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The UN announced the delegations that will travel to Geneva for the summit, which will see the participation of the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot sides as well as the three guarantor countries: Turkey, Greece, and the United Kingdom.

Turkish Cypriot Negotiation Team

Representing the Turkish Cypriot side, President Ersin Tatar will be accompanied by members of his negotiation team, including Special Representative Güneş Onar, Legal Affairs Advisor Sülem Karabacak, Confidence-Building Measures and Bilateral Technical Committees Coordinator Seniha Birand Çınar, and Special Advisor on International Relations and Diplomacy Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Işıksal.

Members of the political parties represented in the Republic's Assembly will also be part of the delegation. From the National Unity Party (UBP), Chairman and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and UBP Secretary-General Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu will attend. The Democratic Party (DP) will be represented by its Chairman, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu, along with DP MP Serhat Akpınar. The Rebirth Party (YDP) will be represented by MP Talip Atalay, while the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) will be represented by Chairman Tufan Erhürman and MP Fikri Toros.

Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu and a delegation from the ministry will also be in Geneva.

Additionally, People's Party (HP) Chairman Kudret Özersay, along with Ahmet Tokatlıoğlu, a member responsible for foreign relations within HP, will travel to Geneva. The Social Democratic Party (TDP) will be represented by Foreign Relations Secretary Mine Atlı and Party Council (PM) Member, Mayor of Nicosia Turkish Municipality Mehmet Harmancı.

Numerous Turkish Cypriot journalists will also travel to Geneva to cover the summit.

Summit Schedule

According to a draft schedule shared by the UN, the extended informal summit will commence on Monday at 19:00 Geneva time (20:00 Cyprus time) with a dinner hosted by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres at the Intercontinental Hotel for the heads of delegations. Each delegation leader will be accompanied by one person at the dinner, and prior to the meal, the Secretary-General will hold individual photo sessions with each head of delegation.

The program will continue on Tuesday, March 18, starting at 09:00 Geneva time (10:00 Cyprus time) at the Intercontinental Hotel, where bilateral meetings will be held between the UN Secretary-General and each delegation. In these meetings, delegation leaders will be accompanied by five members from their teams. The UN will coordinate directly with delegations for scheduling these meetings.

At 11:30 Geneva time (12:30 Cyprus time), the formal 5+1 informal meeting will commence at the UN Geneva Office (Palais des Nations), with all parties participating. Each delegation leader will again be accompanied by five members.

The informal 5+1 meeting will begin with an opening speech by the UN Secretary-General, followed by statements from the delegation heads. Before the meeting starts, a "family photo" session will be held.

The extended informal meeting is expected to conclude at 14:30 Geneva time (15:30 Cyprus time).

The UN has also encouraged each delegation to ensure meaningful participation of women in their teams.

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