reading time: 2 min.

Tatar: Greek Cypriot Leadership's Statements Endanger Cyprus

Tatar: Greek Cypriot Leadership's Statements Endanger Cyprus

President Ersin Tatar stated that recent excessive statements from the Greek Cypriot leadership risk not only regional security and stability but also pose a potential threat to the island of Cyprus itself. Tatar criticized the Greek Cypriot leadership for using Turkey's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan's warnings about the misuse of the Cypriot region for political gain in their outdated politics.

Publish Date: 27/06/24 14:28
reading time: 2 min.
Tatar: Greek Cypriot Leadership's Statements Endanger Cyprus
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Before his departure to the UK, Tatar commented, "The Greek Cypriot leader is engaging in irresponsible actions to gain political advantage from the ongoing conflicts and human tragedies in our nearby region, thereby threatening peace and security on the island."

Tatar further remarked, "The Greek Cypriot leadership dares to criticize the Turkish Armed Forces, which significantly contribute to peace and security, not only on the island but also internationally. Turkey's Peace Operation on July 20, 1974, brought peace and stability to Cyprus. Since then, despite Greek provocations, no violent incidents have occurred on the island, largely due to the presence and deterrence of the Turkish Armed Forces."

He emphasized the continued importance of the guarantee system and pointed out the current global efforts to establish similar systems for ongoing conflicts. Tatar highlighted that the Turkish Cypriot people value the peace and stability maintained for the past 50 years and that unilateral actions by the Greek Cypriot leadership do not bind the TRNC.

Tatar concluded, "There are two clearly defined States on the island, and the Greek Cypriot leadership has no authority over the TRNC's borders. We condemn any actions by the Greek Cypriot leadership that negatively impact our region and disturb the peace of our people. The TRNC supports regional peace and stability and is ready to contribute to ending the current human tragedies."

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