reading time: 1 min.

President Tatar to Engage in Meetings in the United Kingdom

President Tatar to Engage in Meetings in the United Kingdom

President Ersin Tatar departed this morning to participate in the 7th Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival, organized at the invitation of the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations in the UK, and to hold several meetings.

Publish Date: 27/06/24 14:42
reading time: 1 min.
President Tatar to Engage in Meetings in the United Kingdom
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President Tatar will travel to the United Kingdom via Istanbul and was seen off at Ercan Airport by Speaker of the Assembly Zorlu Töre, Minister of Economy and Energy Olgun Amcaoğlu, and other officials.

In Manchester and London, Tatar will engage in numerous meetings, including discussions with businesspeople in Manchester and official meetings.

He will also attend and speak at the 7th Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival in London, organized by the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations.

During his visit, President Tatar will meet with Maria Holguin Cuellar, the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General, in London.

President Tatar will also meet with Turkish Cypriot civil society organizations and foreign journalists and will participate in a roundtable meeting.

He is scheduled to return to the country on Monday, departing from London.

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