reading time: 5 min.

President Arce: "No One Can Take Away the Democracy We Have Achieved"

President Arce: "No One Can Take Away the Democracy We Have Achieved"

Following a failed coup attempt by a group of soldiers in Bolivia, President Luis Arce addressed the nation, stating, "No one can take away the democracy we have achieved."

Publish Date: 27/06/24 14:51
reading time: 5 min.
President Arce: "No One Can Take Away the Democracy We Have Achieved"
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Speaking from the balcony of the government palace in the administrative capital, La Paz, President Arce declared, "As all Bolivians, we will defeat all coup attempts."

Arce expressed his gratitude to the people for their sensitivity to democracy, adding:

"The only thing they have done is damage the country's international image. Today, the international community and the Bolivian people witnessed an attempted coup. We are here with our team and ministers to fight against all coup attempts that threaten our democracy. No one can take away the democracy we have achieved.

The Bolivian people did not leave our call for democracy unanswered and stood together against it. We cannot allow such coup attempts to happen again. Long live democracy, down with coups."


According to Bolivian media, Zuniga, accused of orchestrating the coup attempt, was detained after leaving the General Staff headquarters and then taken to the prosecutor's office in a police vehicle.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor's office announced that a comprehensive investigation into the coup attempt and related incidents has been launched.


The new army commander appointed by President Luis Arce, Sanchez, made a statement at a press conference.

Condemning the military uprising, Sanchez ordered, "I command all soldiers and personnel on the streets and squares to return to their units."

Sanchez emphasized the significant responsibility they have taken on and expressed his honor at being deemed worthy of such a duty, thanking the President and Defense Minister for their trust. He stated, "We are facing images on the streets and squares that no one would desire. As the new commander of the army, I want to announce that we will not allow any undemocratic actions."

According to news reports, the military uprising was led by former army commander Jose Zuniga, who was removed from his post on June 25.

Zuniga was reportedly opposed to former President Evo Morales' candidacy in the 2025 presidential election and had expressed his dissatisfaction to the government.

It was reported that Zuniga and his soldiers attempted to seize the government palace and form a new cabinet, with Zuniga openly threatening Morales, stating, "We will not allow him to violate the constitution and disobey the authority given by the people. The armed forces are the armed wing of the nation. We will take this country back from them. Our country cannot continue like this any longer."


President Arce had earlier called on the military to respect democracy, noting that some military units in the country had been mobilized unlawfully.

Images shared on social media showed a military armored vehicle attempting to forcibly enter the government palace in La Paz.

Citizens protesting against the soldiers were met with tear gas and water cannons.

Arce had a face-to-face confrontation with former commander Jose Zuniga, who was trying to forcibly enter the government palace, demanding the immediate withdrawal of the soldiers.

In a national address, Arce urged calm, stating, "The President and ministers of Bolivia are in office and I invite the people to stand up for democracy. The soldiers must withdraw immediately and return to their duties. I ask them to respect democracy and the constitution."

Following Arce's call, thousands of people took to the streets to protest the coup attempt.

The soldiers involved in the coup attempt returned to their units following the order of the newly appointed commander of the Bolivian army, Jose Wilson Sanchez.

Former commander Jose Zuniga, who attempted a coup against the Arce government, was detained at the request of the prosecutor's office.


Source: HDN 

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