reading time: 3 min.

66 Vehicles Impounded in Traffic Operations

66 Vehicles Impounded in Traffic Operations

In coordinated safety and traffic operations, 66 vehicles were impounded across the jurisdictions of Famagusta, Kyrenia, and Omorfo Police Departments.

Publish Date: 27/06/24 14:58
reading time: 3 min.
66 Vehicles Impounded in Traffic Operations
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Famagusta reported 321 drivers being cited, with 2 vehicles impounded. In Kyrenia, 211 drivers were reported, resulting in 61 vehicles being impounded. Omorforeported 91 drivers for various traffic offenses, with legal actions initiated against them, and 3 vehicles impounded.


According to police reports, operations in Famagusta covered entertainment venues, places selling alcohol, markets, nightclubs, and areas of high public presence, with no significant incidents reported. At casinos, 20 individuals were processed for illegal entry.

Traffic checks resulted in 1285 drivers being inspected, with 321 drivers cited for offenses such as speeding above legal limits (181 cases), driving under the influence (1 case), driving without a license or insurance (1 case), using a mobile phone while driving (18 cases), not wearing seat belts (3 cases), driving without valid navigation permits (10 cases), and driving uninsured vehicles (1 case). Legal actions were initiated against them, and 2 vehicles were impounded.


In Kyrenia, inspections covered places selling alcohol, cafes, hostels, and crowded areas, leading to the arrest of one person for residing without legal status in the country. At casinos, 23 individuals were processed for illegal presence.

Traffic operations involved checks on 1050 drivers, resulting in 211 drivers being cited for offenses including speeding (66 cases), driving under the influence (10 cases), using mobile phones while driving (7 cases), not wearing seat belts (7 cases), driving without valid navigation permits (43 cases), driving uninsured vehicles (9 cases), and reckless driving (4 cases). Legal actions were initiated against them, and 61 vehicles were impounded.


Police operations in Omorfofocused on entertainment venues, places selling alcohol, and crowded areas. Traffic police inspected 585 drivers, resulting in 91 drivers being cited for various offenses, including speeding (57 cases), driving without a license or insurance (1 case), using a mobile phone while driving (2 cases), not wearing seat belts (14 cases), and driving uninsured vehicles (3 cases). Legal actions were initiated against them, and 3 vehicles were impounded.

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