reading time: 5 min.

Tatar: Resuming Negotiations from Crans Montana is Impossible

Tatar: Resuming Negotiations from Crans Montana is Impossible

President Ersin Tatar stated that continuing negotiations from where they left off in Crans Montana is not feasible. After completing his engagements in the UK, President Ersin Tatar returned to the country.

Publish Date: 02/07/24 11:36
reading time: 5 min.
Tatar: Resuming Negotiations from Crans Montana is Impossible
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President Tatar was welcomed at Ercan Airport by Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre and other officials.

In a press conference at Ercan, Tatar evaluated his visits to Manchester and London. He noted that he first visited Manchester, meeting with Turkish Cypriots, business people, politicians, and other officials there.

Tatar highlighted that Turkish Cypriots live and run businesses not only in London but across various parts of the UK and hold influential positions. He also mentioned the interest in the TRNC from representatives of the Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and Muslim communities.

Tatar expressed his pleasure at participating in the Cyprus Turkish Cultural Festival in London and meeting with citizens there.

Stating that the festival attracted around 30,000 attendees, Tatar emphasized the importance of former MP Iain Duncan Smith's statement that he would strive for direct flights to the TRNC and support the Turkish Cypriot people.

Admiring the success of the Turkish Cypriot community there and the need for strong ties, Tatar said, "Their success is our success; the Turkish Cypriot people are united and have a single heart everywhere. The love for the TRNC is the same no matter where it is."

Tatar mentioned his participation in a meeting at the world-renowned think tank Chatham House, where he had the opportunity to explain the new policy of a two-state solution and why efforts for a federal solution have not yielded results.

Tatar noted the interest from the participants, as many knew about the Cyprus issue but not the full reality, and stressed the importance of presenting the facts in such think tanks while continuing the political struggle.

He attended a reception hosted by parliamentarians, where he discussed the latest developments in the Cyprus issue and called for a reassessment of the UK’s Cyprus policy post-elections.

Tatar pointed out that the UK has two sovereign bases in Cyprus, which no one can interfere with, but highlighted that activities at these bases could make Cyprus a target.

He emphasized that the Turkish Cypriot people have been subjected to unfair treatment, which everyone acknowledges, and that it is time to end this injustice.

Tatar also assessed his meeting with the UN Secretary-General's Personal Representative Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar at the TRNC London Representative Office, thanking her for her efforts.

Holguin’s six-month term is ending, and she will report to the Secretary-General. Tatar stated that there was no outcome from efforts to restart the negotiation process.

Reiterating that resuming negotiations from Crans Montana is impossible, Tatar said a new negotiation process could begin if the sovereign equal status of the Turkish Cypriot people is recognized.

"Sovereignty is not a negotiable issue," Tatar said, noting that the Republic of Cyprus was founded through the joint struggle of two peoples.

Tatar stated that while they are not demanding recognition of the TRNC, their demands for "3D" – direct trade, direct flights, and direct contact – are non-negotiable and reminded that "isolation will be lifted."

Tatar said they asked Holguin to prepare an impartial and fair report, which will be submitted to the UN Secretary-General on July 10, after which the Secretary-General will decide on the next steps.

Addressing the attacks initiated by the Greek Cypriot side to undermine the TRNC economy regarding property issues, Tatar said this is unacceptable.

Pointing out that Turkish Cypriots also left more than 500,000 donums of land in the south, Tatar stated that the solution for property issues lies with the Immovable Property Commission and that applications should be made there.

Tatar emphasized that the issue should be resolved through exchange, compensation, restitution, and between two states, not individually, and that the Immovable Property Commission cannot be excluded from this process.

Tatar stated that he would brief the heads of political parties represented in the parliament today and would meet with UN Peacekeeping Force Mission Chief and UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Cyprus, Colin Stewart.

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