reading time: 2 min.

Three Separate Workplace Accidents: Two Seriously Injured

Three Separate Workplace Accidents: Two Seriously Injured

In a series of unfortunate workplace accidents across three regions, two workers have been seriously injured.

Publish Date: 02/07/24 11:48
reading time: 2 min.
Three Separate Workplace Accidents: Two Seriously Injured
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Construction Worker Seriously Injured in Yeniboğaziçi

Nariman Umarov, a 27-year-old construction worker, fell from the second floor of an apartment building under construction in Yeniboğaziçi. According to the police, the incident occurred around 10:00 AM on July 1, 2024. Umarov fell approximately 4.5 meters to the ground and was taken to Gazimağusa State Hospital, where he is currently under observation in the intensive care unit. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.

Worker Injured in Demirhan

In a separate incident, Hasan Koç, a 46-year-old worker, was injured while performing welding work on the roof of a residence in Demirhan. The accident happened around 4:00 PM on July 1, 2024. Koç lost his balance and fell about 3 meters to the ground. He was taken to Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital in Lefkoşa, where he was diagnosed with fractures in his chest and rib bones. The police are continuing their investigation into this incident.

Air Conditioning Installer Suffers Serious Injuries in Lefkoşa

Monir Hossain Sarder Khokon, a 31-year-old air conditioning installer, was seriously injured after falling from a ladder while installing a unit at a workplace in Lefkoşa. The accident occurred around 6:00 PM on July 1, 2024. Khokon fell approximately 1.7 meters and sustained rib fractures and a brain hemorrhage. He was transported to Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital, where he is being monitored in the intensive care unit. The investigation is ongoing.

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