reading time: 4 min.

Çeler: If Action Isn't Taken Soon, This Issue Will Affect All Citizens

Çeler: If Action Isn't Taken Soon, This Issue Will Affect All Citizens

Zeki Çeler, the leader of the Social Democratic Party (TDP), emphasized that the economic future and struggle for existence of Turkish Cypriots cannot be sacrificed to someone else's ego battles, highlighting that the steps taken by the Republic of Cyprus government on property issues serve a separatist agenda rather than a solution.

Publish Date: 04/07/24 15:12
reading time: 4 min.
Çeler: If Action Isn't Taken Soon, This Issue Will Affect All Citizens
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Çeler strongly criticized the policies of the Republic of Cyprus government and Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides regarding Greek Cypriot properties in the north, and the policies of the UBP-DP-YDP coalition government and appointed President Ersin Tatar.

Stressing that issues among administrations, states, and politicians, divisions, disputes, cannot be attributed to individuals in the community, Çeler emphasized that those pursuing a policy of "no solution is the solution" have given the Greek Cypriot side the freedom to make any move they want on a silver platter.

Çeler said, "We are experiencing the consequences of avoiding dialogue and approaching national issues with a 'I know best' mentality. Once again, the Turkish Cypriot community has been subjected to undeserved treatment, and this was not done unilaterally."

"Economic crises that the Turkish Cypriot community struggles with will lead to even greater crises."

Çeler stated that the policy pursued by the Republic of Cyprus administration and Christodoulides regarding Greek Cypriot properties in the north is not only contrary to human rights but also does not serve peace and a solution. He emphasized that these moves will only widen the gap between the two communities.

Çeler added, "Furthermore, these actions will not serve a solution. They will plunge the Turkish Cypriot community, grappling with economic crises, into even greater turmoil."

"Are citizens responsible for politicians and administrations being in conflict, that the bill is also handed to citizens?"

Stating that the outcome of these actions will accelerate a process leading not only to economic crises but also to extinction, Çeler explained that this will affect not only contractors, investors, hotels, and business owners but also individual citizens.

Çeler asked, "For example, what should Turkish Cypriots who have managed to save enough to buy a home for themselves or their children do until a solution is found? Are citizens responsible for politicians and administrations not agreeing, being in conflict, that the bill for this situation is also handed to citizens? Is this the path to be taken towards a solution?"

"All competent and relevant authorities must take necessary initiatives and open the path to dialogue as soon as possible."

Highlighting that the results of what both administrations have done are against the interests of Turkish Cypriots, Çeler called on the government to take immediate action on this matter.

Çeler concluded, "All competent and relevant authorities must take necessary initiatives and open the path to dialogue as soon as possible. The economic future and struggle for existence of Turkish Cypriots cannot be sacrificed to someone else's ego battles."

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