reading time: 2 min.

Double Minimum Wage Fine for Those Damaging Caretta Caretta Nesting Sites

Double Minimum Wage Fine for Those Damaging Caretta Caretta Nesting Sites

The Environment Protection Department announced increased inspections on beaches, stating that individuals obstructing caretta caretta turtle nesting activities will face fines double the minimum wage.

Publish Date: 04/07/24 16:11
reading time: 2 min.
Double Minimum Wage Fine for Those Damaging Caretta Caretta Nesting Sites
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Under the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment, the Environment Protection Department has intensified beach patrols.

Focusing on Special Environmental Protection Areas and nesting sites of caretta caretta turtles, the Environment Protection Department is imposing penalties on individuals engaging in activities that hinder turtle nesting.

In a statement, the Environment Protection Department clarified that citizens can use temporary structures like caravans and tents on beaches between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM, but it is prohibited to remain on beaches or have such equipment after 8:00 PM, as stipulated in the Environmental Law. It emphasized the necessity of vacating these beaches after sunset, considering the nesting habits of turtles during dark hours.

According to Environmental Law No. 18/2012, those violating this regulation will face penalties amounting to twice the monthly minimum wage, under the provision prohibiting intentional harm to protected wildlife, including capture, killing, or damage to their habitats.

To report violators, citizens are encouraged to contact the Environment Protection Department's hotline, 'Alo 123'.

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