reading time: 3 min.

Erhürman: Political Equality of Turkish Cypriots is Non-Negotiable

Erhürman: Political Equality of Turkish Cypriots is Non-Negotiable

Chairman of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), Tufan Erhürman, emphasized the need for new and effective methods in the Cyprus negotiation process, stressing that the political equality of the Turkish Cypriot people is not up for debate. He called for a solution-focused approach ahead of his visit to New York.

Publish Date: 23/09/24 14:31
reading time: 3 min.
Erhürman: Political Equality of Turkish Cypriots is Non-Negotiable
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Erhürman, accompanied by CTP Foreign Relations Secretary Fikri Toros, is set to participate in the United Nations General Assembly, where he will represent the Turkish Cypriot community at the Socialist International meeting on September 25. His speech, titled "Investing in Dialogue and Diplomacy," will outline his vision for the Cyprus solution process and propose new strategies for negotiations.

During his stay, Erhürman will meet with UN Under-Secretary-General Miroslav Jenca to discuss the Cyprus issue and the negotiation process. He also plans bilateral meetings with various representatives of countries at the UN, aiming to convey CTP's vision for a solution and strengthen international dialogue.

Speaking at a press conference before departing, Erhürman highlighted the significance of representing the Turkish Cypriot community on the international stage, particularly at a time of regional turmoil. He noted the ongoing wars in Gaza, Lebanon, and Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of diplomacy in navigating these complex global issues.

Referring to the stalled Cyprus negotiations, Erhürman said the Turkish Cypriot people, one of the two equal founding communities on the island, had voted "yes" to the Annan Plan, but have yet to achieve their desired outcome. He reiterated the need for the international community to recognize the rights of Turkish Cypriots within the framework of UN parameters.

"The new negotiations will not be like the previous ones, as past methods failed to yield results. The Turkish Cypriot people's political equality is not open to negotiation or compromise," he said, stressing that any future talks must be results-oriented and time-bound.

Erhürman concluded by stating that it is crucial for the UN to ensure that, if future talks collapse, there will be no return to the current status quo. He also highlighted the importance of seizing opportunities in the energy sector, urging international actors not to miss this critical window.

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