reading time: 2 min.

PM Üstel: 'I Am Disappointed That the Parliamentary Speaker Election Process Has Not Been Completed'

PM Üstel: 'I Am Disappointed That the Parliamentary Speaker Election Process Has Not Been Completed'

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel expressed his disappointment that the election of the Parliamentary Speaker and the Presidential Council has not yet been concluded. In a written statement regarding the issues surrounding the election process since Monday, October 7, Üstel emphasized his regret over the delay in finalizing the election.

Publish Date: 16/10/24 13:59
reading time: 2 min.
PM Üstel: 'I Am Disappointed That the Parliamentary Speaker Election Process Has Not Been Completed'
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Üstel indicated his belief that the deadlock could be resolved within a short period, allowing for the election of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, and the entire Presidential Council in a manner that would be accepted by all sides. He stressed the importance of maintaining the smooth functioning of the parliament, calling on all political parties and MPs to fulfill their duties in accordance with the will of the people.

The Prime Minister highlighted that no individual or political party should prioritize personal interests over the needs of the country, emphasizing that the parliament belongs to the people and must operate efficiently. Üstel underscored the collective responsibility of all parties to ensure the smooth operation of the legislative body, warning that any disruption would be detrimental to the democratic process.

Referring to the political climate, Üstel noted the importance of dialogue and cooperation between parties to resolve issues, both within and between political groups. He reiterated that harmony between coalition partners is essential for effective governance and called for improved communication among all political actors.

Üstel concluded by expressing confidence that a solution to the election issue would be reached soon and that the parliament would resume its work without further delays. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining a fully functioning legislative body to meet the expectations of the Turkish Cypriot people, who, he said, deserve the highest standards of democracy.

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