reading time: 1 min.

Tatar Holds Consultation Meeting on Geneva Summit

Tatar Holds Consultation Meeting on Geneva Summit

According to a statement from the Presidency, President Ersin Tatar organized a consultation meeting at the Presidential Palace regarding the Cyprus summit held in Geneva.

Publish Date: 25/03/25 13:23
reading time: 1 min.
Tatar Holds Consultation Meeting on Geneva Summit
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The meeting was attended by the President's Special Representative Güneş Onar and the negotiation team, Beşparmak Think Tank member and former Chief Negotiator Ergün Olgun, former Minister of Economy and Energy Atay Ahmet Raşit, retired Ambassador Aytuğ Plümer, Journalist Özer Kanlı, and Politician, Author, and former State Minister İsmail Bozkurt.

During the meeting, discussions were held regarding the expanded informal meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland.

The statement highlighted that President Ersin Tatar emphasized that they approached the meeting with a new national policy perspective, stressing that the agenda of the meeting was focused on cooperation rather than the Cyprus issue itself.

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