reading time: 2 min.

Ambassador Başçeri: "Isolations Are a Crime Against Humanity"

Ambassador Başçeri: "Isolations Are a Crime Against Humanity"

Speaking at the panel "A Fairer World is Possible," organized by Turkey’s Presidential Communications Directorate, Turkey’s Ambassador to Nicosia, Ali Murat Başçeri, criticized the global approach toward Turkish Cypriots.

Publish Date: 27/03/25 15:52
reading time: 2 min.
Ambassador Başçeri: "Isolations Are a Crime Against Humanity"
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A Two-State Solution...

Ambassador Başçeri reiterated that the only viable solution for Cyprus is a two-state model that defines how the two states can coexist. He noted that all other avenues had been explored without success and warned that the patience of the Turkish Cypriot people is wearing thin.

"Isolations Are a Crime Against Humanity"...

Başçeri condemned the international isolation imposed on Turkish Cypriots over the past 50 years, stating that these restrictions have become a silent crime against humanity. He reaffirmed Turkey’s commitment to minimizing the impact of these isolations on the Turkish Cypriot people.

"The UN Has a Debt to Pay"

Highlighting Turkey’s ongoing cooperation with the TRNC across all sectors, Başçeri stressed that the international community must grant the TRNC the respect and recognition it deserves. He asserted that ensuring Turkish Cypriots' rightful place in the global arena is a responsibility that the UN Security Council has yet to fulfill.

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